• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

The 8 Best Mouthguard For Rugby: Protect Your Teeth & Keep Playing!

Byzestful Grace

May 29, 2024

A mouthguard is one of the most important things you can have when playing rugby. It protects your teeth, lips and gums and helps keep your mouth healthy. In this guide we will be going over some of the best rugby mouthguards on the market today and how they can improve your game!

Mouth Guard Rugby Review 

Let’s check out the reviews of the best mouthguard for rugby. 

Mouthguard Saver

Mouthguard saver is a great option for kids who want to protect their teeth but don’t want to spend money on a professional-grade mouthguard. It’s very affordable at just $20, and it’s made of durable plastic that can be cleaned easily in the dishwasher or by hand. 

Furthermore, the design is also comfortable because it doesn’t cover all your teeth like other products do. Instead, it has a two-piece design where one piece fits around each side of your mouth while another covers the front part of your mouth (the upper jaw). This way you get maximum protection without feeling like someone put something in their mouth!

VAS Shield

The VAS Shield is a mouthguard that you can wear for rugby and other sports, such as hockey and football. It’s one of the best mouthguards for rugby because it protects your teeth, gums and jaw from injury while you play.

The VAS Shield has been designed to fit comfortably in your mouth without restricting movement so you can enjoy playing without pain or discomfort. You don’t need to worry about getting it out of place either as it’s easy enough to remove when needed!

It’s also easy cleanable which makes this one of our favourite options when trying out different products on the market!

Impact Mouthguard

Impact Mouthguard is a custom-fit mouthguard that provides protection and comfort. The impact mouthguard has a gel layer that provides protection and comfort, while being easy to clean and maintain.

Besides, the Impact guard is made of durable thermoplastic material that protects your teeth for up to 3 years if cared for properly. It also allows you to enjoy the game without worrying about losing any teeth!

Pro Guard Mouthguard

The Pro Guard Mouthguard is made from a soft, medical-grade polymer that fits comfortably in your mouth. It’s easy to clean and doesn’t require boiling like some of the other options. It comes with a shock absorption layer which helps to absorb impact, so you can keep playing without having to worry about injury.

The mouthguard comes with two removable inserts for adjusting fit or customizing it for different sporting activities (like MMA) or age levels (for example, smaller children).

Guardians Mouthguard with Gel

This is the best mouthguard for rugby players who want to protect their teeth but still enjoy playing the sport. It has a gel layer that helps reduce pain and discomfort after games, while also providing extra protection against impact injuries. The Guardian’s mouthguards are made from thermoplastic material, so they’re durable and lightweight at the same time. They come in several sizes: small (for children), medium (for adults), large (for larger heads), extra large (for even larger heads).

Orbit Mouthguard with Foam Technology

The Orbit Mouthguard with Foam Technology is a mouthpiece that protects your teeth and lips, while providing maximum comfort. It has a breathable material that helps to keep you cool during play, while still being durable enough to last through multiple games. This mouthguard also comes in a variety of colors, so it’s easy to find one that matches your team’s uniform or personal style!

That’s not all! There’s more! This product has been designed for rugby players who want the best protection possible for their teeth. It covers all areas where contact can occur on the field: front side (top), back side (bottom) and sides of cheeks/teeth. The foam technology inside helps protect against impact from other players’ elbows as well as knocks from opponents’ clubs or pitch spikes.

XTrafit Full-Fit Mouthguards with Gel

Xtrafit Full-Fit Mouthguards with Gel is a great option for players that want to protect their teeth and keep playing. It provides excellent comfort and protection, and the fit is easy to adjust. The material used in this mouthguard is hard enough to withstand high impact, but soft enough not to irritate your gums or lips. 

It’s also easy to clean by simply brushing it out with antibacterial soap or mouthwash after each use! Xtrafit offers several colors available so you can find one that matches your team colors best (or just pick one up because they’re awesome). This product can be used by both children and adults. But if you have an extra large head like I do, then make sure you go up one size when ordering!

Impact Full-Fit Mouthguards with Gel

Impact Mouthguard with Gel is a great choice for athletes of all ages, including those who are playing rugby. The impact full fit mouthguards protect teeth and gums while still allowing you to talk and breathe comfortably, which is especially important when playing sports like rugby.

They come in three different sizes: small, medium or large. You can get the right size for your jaw by measuring it yourself or asking someone else who has had braces before (like maybe even me). The best way to tell if a particular size fits well? Try it out! If it feels too tight or lose, then go up one size; if it fits just right then stay where you are!

Things to Look Out for Before Buying the Best Rugby Mouth Guard

If you’re playing rugby or training for it, safeguarding your teeth from potential field collisions is paramount. A properly fitted mouthguard is indispensable. We’ve compiled essential factors for selecting the ideal rugby mouthguard. Furthermore, if sports, particularly rugby, ignite your enthusiasm and you’re keen to expand your outreach through your YouTube channel, you can engage with newcomers and share insights on platforms like YouTubeStorm, amplifying your audience and influence.

Type of Mouth Guard

There are a variety of mouth guards on the market, and they can be divided into two groups:

  • Mouth guards designed to protect your teeth and gums from injury. These include hard plastic or silicone options that cover the teeth and gums in case of a blow to the face, or a soft plastic for kids who aren’t old enough for metal mouthpieces yet (or who have just started playing rugby). A good example of this type is Protective Pads by Shock Doctor, which has been clinically proven to reduce concussions by up to 60%.
  • Mouth guards designed to prevent other injuries besides concussions. These include impact-absorbing material such as shock pads similar to those found in protective knee pads. These may also come with an impact-reducing foam core as well so you don’t feel like hitting your head on every single ball shot at you during games with fast speeds (and no airbags).


The material used in a mouth guard is the most important factor to consider. There are several different materials that can be used, each with its own pros and cons.

  • Vulcanized rubber: This material provides excellent protection against impact damage but it tends to wear out faster than other types of materials.
  • Polyethylene (PE): This type of plastic has been around since World War II and has become one of the most popular choices among professional athletes. That’s mainly because it offers good resistance to impact forces while being soft enough for comfort during play or training sessions at home. In fact, many professional players even choose PE over other types. That’s because it does not irritate their gums as much as other materials do. However, this comes at a cost since higher prices mean higher costs overall when buying new mouth guards every season!


The first thing you need to consider is the fit. A mouth guard should be comfortable, but not so loose that it moves around in your mouth. It should also be secure enough that it won’t fall out of place during play or during practice.

A good rugby mouth guard will not interfere with your speech or breathing, which can lead to problems with communication and overall performance on the field. If you have an issue fitting a mouthpiece properly, try wearing it upside down for a few minutes before trying again. This may make all the difference!


Price is a factor. However, it’s not the only one you need to consider when buying a mouthguard. For example, if you want your rugby mouthguard to last as long as possible and be durable enough for professional play, then it should cost more than $10 per piece. In contrast, if you just want something cheap but still effective at protecting your teeth from damage and bruising during games or practices, then there are plenty of options available for less than $10.

The bottom line is that price should never be an indicator of quality—you get what you pay for!


Mouth guards are a great investment for any rugby player, regardless of skill level. They can provide protection against fractures and teeth loss due to impact, as well as reducing pain and making it easier to breathe through your nose during exertion. However, there are many factors that go into choosing the best mouth guard for rugby. And we’ve broken down what makes one better than another!